Monday, September 28, 2015

Welcome to a new week!  Your 2nd grader has been busy taking the MAP Test, learning addition strategies in math and understanding complex sentences, to name a few.

Save the date for Friday afternoon, October 23. We’ll be heading to Schwalier’s Country Basket to further our study on the lifecycle of plants, along with their adaptations.  I’ll send out a formal note as the time gets closer.

As we begin writing number scrolls (writing numbers to 1000), we could use some Pringles containers. They make great storage for your child’s math sheets!

Thanks to all who sent in fabric for our pillow project. Mrs. Meulenberg, a retired 2nd grade teacher from Alpine, is busy sewing the pillows for the children. Everyone is excited!

Today you received a yellow HIGHLIGHTS form. Please sign and return the form, even if you chose not to buy the magazine. All you need to do is check the ‘no’ box and sign the form. All forms returned go towards really useful items for my classroom!

Don’t forget that all fundraising forms are due on Wednesday!

Below is a list of topics we are covering in all subject matters. Ask your child about what it is they are learning! 

Math:  Addition Strategies:  Students are learning strategies for solving math facts fluently through 20. You child also learned the difference between odd and even numbers.

Reading:  We are BIG TIME READERS! The students know that big time readers make decisions~ decisions about where they will read, along with what books they read. We’ve been working on building stamina for independent reading and so far the children can read for 20 uninterrupted minutes!

Language:  What makes a sentence? A who (noun) and a what (verb). We practice writing complete sentences, along with capital letters and correct punctuation.

Social Studies:  We are finishing up Our Constitution, which includes our country’s symbols and the big words in the Pledge of Allegiance.

Science:  We’ll be starting our unit on plants later this week!

Spelling: I continue to work with children on word sorts for Words Their Way. Words Their Way is a spelling program we have adopted in Kenowa Hills. 

I think that about covers it! As mentioned earlier, we’ve been very busy! If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to let me know!

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