Welcome to a new year in 2nd grade at Alpine Elementary! I am super excited to meet my new friends and get this year started! Tonight is an open house from 6:30-8:00pm. I hope you all can make it! If you are unable to attend, I am including a link to the google slide show that will be running throughout the evening. I'll send the handouts and other important information the first week of school.
At this point, I don't have a specialist schedule but I'll be sure to communicate this information as soon as I have it. Specialist classes include music, PE, art and Spanish.
I created a Facebook page specifically for our 2nd grade class in Room 24. It's a closed group, which ensures the privacy of photos and posts. I hope many of you use Facebook and this will be a fast and fun way to communicate. Let me know if you wish to be added to the group.
I'll be posting information on this blog, Facebook and email. The goal is to eliminate the need for paper copies. Let's see if it works! If you prefer the paper, I will be happy to send notes home, too.
Below is a link to the google slideshow I created for the open house tonight.