Today started a very busy week for the 2nd graders in Room 24. Students have MAP/NWEA testing everyday this week. The tests require a great deal of concentration and perseverance. As you know, these tests are given to measure growth. These last tests are important in that they will be scores that set Compass Learning apps, as well as placement for next year. I'm proud of all of the children, especially when I read some of the questions they were faced with.
Please make every effort to have your child at school and on time this week. My students are scheduled for testing from 8:30-10:30 through Friday. If a child is absent, it means they will need to take extra tests in the afternoons since all tests will be completed this week. Imagine how hot, sweaty and tired a child is every afternoon.....
I will not be assigning any more homework this year, unless something comes up and your child begins to fall behind. If this is the case, you will hear directly from me. With all of the testing and extra time in the afternoon, we're going to take an easy and finish the year on a pleasant note
. There are a few students who requested homework tonight. Know that the work is optional.

Finally, we have a few important dates coming up:
May 23-24 MAP Testing~ Math
May 25-26 MAP Testing~ Reading
May 25 AR Pizza Party for those students who met their goals (my entire class!)
May 27 1/2 Day~ Students dismissed at noon
May 31 All Library Books Due!
June 1 AR Popsicle Party for students with 30 AR points or higher
June 3 **Field Trip to Walker City Complex
June 6 Field Day
June 8-10 1/2 Days~ Students dismissing at noon
June 10 Last day of school
I believe that's it for now!